Tag Archives: freebies

Immortal Memories SotM Sept

Unfortunately this is almost a week late, I was on holiday last week an although I didn’t go abroad, which I never get to do anyway (*grumble*) I’ve been down south away from my computer so I’m very sorry for the delay but I would love to announce my Site of the Month September 2010 as Immortal Memories, I have been a huge fan of Monica for ages, and her artwork keeps getting better!

Some of you may have seen my Birthday Bundle I put up, I’m keeping an eye on the poll at the bottom of the site, so please keep voting, and this bundle came as a result of the poll, so if you want to download it you can download it here or view the individual downloads in the gallery.

September 2010 Immortal MemoriesReason: I Love Immortal Memories, I have for a very long time, Monica has such a clean and fresh style of fanart, each piece is clear and high quality, the best images with the best textures, I love the crisp feel to her art work. Not only does Monica have an amazing fanart site with helpful donwloads which I have used over the years, but she also has an amazing gallery of images, it is so hard to find quality images especially of TV shows usually they are small or poor screencaps from the tv, [read more]

I have also done a few pieces of art work over the month of August W00t I told you I would lol.

  • Legend of the Seeker
  • Wonderfalls
  • Angel Opening Credits
  • BtVS Opening Credits
  • trueblood-credits