Tag Archives: icons

Big Icon Post

Hey everyone, its been kind of a busy month for me I’ve posted three time already and its not even November!!! w00t I feel like I’m on a roll, I’m finally getting that buzz back that I used to get when I did art work, its been too long, I just wish I had more time to do the work! but that is me being lazy but its coming along. quite a bit update this weekend, I went through my old Live Journal and downloaded all my old icons, and there was quite a lot of the. well I’ve uploaded them here for you, I have also added new affiliates and new wallpapers. I also have plans for some more HTML/CSS tutorials, I want to do a CSS structure post, and show people a basic PHP include.

Affiliates first:

  • linkloveincognito
  • nyxthea
  • brinneydee
  • confessions
  • staring at the sun
  • witty comeback
  • blurred-mind
  • layout-whore
  • reflection

Icons: Not only have a got loads of the old ones up, but I have also made some new Legend of the Seeker icons from the very first episode. Well lets see, a list of all the old ones

  • 06-02-01-04
  • roswell47
  • maxnlogan2
  • constintine01
  • doc05
  • lost06
  • sailormoon09
  • smallville03
  • lots-ep1-10

Fanart: I have two new pieces of fanart, from a challenge at Buffy Forums, and this challenge is really cool basically to create a wallpaper to do with either fate of connect a character with a star sign, well I’ve done the latter, and I wanna do one for each star sign, I doubt I’ll submit them all, probably wont finish them before the end of the challenge but I want to create all the star signs and here are the two I’ve done so far.

  • Taurus Angel
  • Kahlan Virgo

Illustrator Icons

just a quick note, today I’ve been making icons at the company I work at, in Illustrator no less, I’m really poor at Illustrator but I’m getting better, and I’ve loved making icons I think they look pretty cool but to anyone out there that thinks they would like to do icons, and I highly recommend you do its well fun and you can be as creative as you like. just remember do them in a square!!! I’ve just done a butt load of icons and they are all different sizes and they have to fit  a 48×48 square…  probably all reading thing going Duh!!! I just didn’t think so if you wanna do icons make sure you do it in a square canvas. And I’ll try to remember too. lol

ETA: I’d also like to say welcome to my new affiliate AnMarie at Never Say Goodbye go check out her site its got some fantastic art work on there.