Tag Archives: Staring @ the Sun

SOTM & Lucid Fanart

If you’ve read my last post you probably voted to see what I could change elucidation-art’s name to, and with a bit of change here and there and waiting to see what you guys think I’ve gone and bought the new domain name Lucidfanart.com and .co.uk I will be setting this up when I change the to the new layout which I am slowly getting there with. I just need to finish the Gallery, and change the logo to the new one and I can set it live… but finishing the gallery may take a bit of time lol.

Firstly I want to apologise to the Site of the Month about how late I am this month, and introduce this months Site of the Month: Staring @ The Sun! view further down for a bit more info on why I’ve chosen Staring @ the Sun for Vision of the Month.

Along with a brand new Site of the Month I also have some brand new affiliates and I’ve also updated a few so check them out.

  • Para-Bellum
  • lasttear
  • icy afterlife
Febuary 2011 Staring @ the SunReason: I’ve been secretly lurking on Staring @ the Sun since her I saw her Pillars of the Earth Layout.. Not only was it beautiful and easy to navigate around she then changed the layout to the STUNNING…

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I would also like to thank Sasha over at Shotgun Opera for making me site of the month and for the beautiful award she’s made me.