Tag Archives: Lucid Fanart

April SOTM Shadow of the Day

I missed last month, been really busy with work, and what with getting the new layout live been super busy. but gave me a chance to get a head start this month 😉 I have awarded Shadow of the Day as Lucid Fanart’s site of the month.

April 2011 Shadow of the Day

Reason: I’m totally loving Shadow of the Day at the moment, not only does Marilyne have an amazing site, the layout she has to her site always has consistency which I find important with a site, the navigation is really easy to follow, and the designs are always really delicate and well thought out. She has a real flare for Merlin art work… [Read More]

I’ve also been awarded site of the month at two sites last month and this month, I am so proud get get these awards. Last month Christine from Surrender Your Soul awarded me site of the month check out my cute twilight style award. And this month the wonderful Brittany has awarded Lucid Fanart as site of the month and look at my awesome Being Human USA award.

It has been a fantastic month for me not only did I get the two awesome site of the month awards, but I got some art awards over at Buffy Forums. I got Honourable Mention over at the Angelogy challenge for my Legend of the Seeker wallpaper Angel of Death. I have also got 1st Place W00T! for my Angel Poster.

As you can see my last post was a tutorial, I was actually quite surprised when I saw my poll that a lot of you wanted to see more tutorials. I personally think I suck at making tutorials but I’ll try my best. I’m gonna work my way through the Adjustment Layers for Photoshop tutorials, and maybe add in a few wallpaper tutorials when I make new wallpapers I find it difficult to go back and redo wallpapers becuase a lot of the time I just do trial and error its the only advice I give people really play with photoshop and you can’t go wrong.

Not sure what kind of HTML and CSS or PHP tutorials I can give you but if you guys have any ideas or if there is anything you’ve seen on my site you would like to try for yourself just make a note of it in my comments and I’ll make a tutorial on it.

Lucid Fanart

As promised Lucid Fanart is now up and running, it took me some time I know but I finally got there, I had a big kick up the backside when my last host decided they didn’t care about keeping my site up and running so along with the new layout, which is the most obvious change, and the new name I am also on a New Server! Fingers Crossed no more down time, and in the two weeks I’ve had this domain I’ve had 0 down time… *touch wood* I’ve not just jinxed it.

So what’s new??

Well firstly a brand new design, and I wonder if you guys have noticed the background(s) lol I’m really happy with that I tried to get it to work on my old sever however it didn’t want to work? but it does now so hopefully no one will get bored with this design as it changes so often and I can add new ones at any time.

I’ve kept most of everything the same as it worked really well last time, easy to navigate and for people to contact me.

As I have changed my domain name I’ve got brand new link back buttons and I have to say I much prefer them from the last set I had… although I’ve recreated some of my favourite ones, I plan to add to these too in the upcoming months.

If you take a look at my gallery I’ve modified the design of this greatly, before I tried to keep it looking as close to the blog design as possible but as a gallery I felt it needed more space so I’ve ditched the sidebar and given the gallery full width of the site. I still have a few things I need to do to the gallery like fill in all the information which is going to be a BIG job, I wanted to get it done before I set the site live but a few things came up and my time was shortened but I can do it over time. I have taken off the comments system on the gallery as I was getting an awful lot of spam going through there but I have left on the rating system so you can add whether you like it or not there but I will still be updating this blog where people can comment on new artwork.

I hope you all like the new site, and I hope  to get new art work on there asap.



SOTM & Lucid Fanart

If you’ve read my last post you probably voted to see what I could change elucidation-art’s name to, and with a bit of change here and there and waiting to see what you guys think I’ve gone and bought the new domain name Lucidfanart.com and .co.uk I will be setting this up when I change the to the new layout which I am slowly getting there with. I just need to finish the Gallery, and change the logo to the new one and I can set it live… but finishing the gallery may take a bit of time lol.

Firstly I want to apologise to the Site of the Month about how late I am this month, and introduce this months Site of the Month: Staring @ The Sun! view further down for a bit more info on why I’ve chosen Staring @ the Sun for Vision of the Month.

Along with a brand new Site of the Month I also have some brand new affiliates and I’ve also updated a few so check them out.

  • Para-Bellum
  • lasttear
  • icy afterlife
Febuary 2011 Staring @ the SunReason: I’ve been secretly lurking on Staring @ the Sun since her I saw her Pillars of the Earth Layout.. Not only was it beautiful and easy to navigate around she then changed the layout to the STUNNING…

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I would also like to thank Sasha over at Shotgun Opera for making me site of the month and for the beautiful award she’s made me.